We have finally made it as bloggers! OK Sorley, no pressure but you really do need to get a blog too.
So, to start off our blog, we thought we would provide you with some background on the Pukeko:
"They are birds that are full of character and can provide a lot of amusement for the observer. The white undertail is flirted cheekily with every movement and their high querulous notes run the whole gamut of expression, from curiosity to interrogation to scolding. The naturalist Guthrie Smith maintained that they make great pets and that every country family should rear them."
Another anecdote found on the Web:"I have come to the conclusion that Pukeko are suicidal. I so often see them on the side of the road, dithering, darting backwards and forwards, looking for an opportunity to cross, only to come back later to see them squashed on the road. They seem to have no road sense at all. However, the ornithologist WRB Oliver had other ideas when he said, “The Pukeko is a bold and fearless bird. It has learned that trains and motorcars are harmless and takes no notice of them.”
There is of course a whole lot more to these birds and if you're really interested, go to this website where you can learn more about our 'clever' pukeko bird: http://www.nzbirds.com/birds/pukeko.html
So...onto some local news from the Armstrongs in Pukerua Bay. Well, we have officially gone wireless and we are wondering why we didn't do this a long time ago: it is so much easier. Now we can tap away to our hearts' content from anywhere in the house. We hope we will become regular bloggers and be in contact with you all more often.
OK, so now Nick wants to use the PC. I have added a couple of photos of the weans for those of you who haven't seen them in a while. Back soon!
Our wee gloved fairy in the sunlight!
Madeleine at six months but thinks she's actually nine months and already wearing size 1 year-old trousers!
and...Santa's little helper!