We brought some bunks the other weekend as we thought we would try to maximise our available space in our wee house. Apart from that it gets Maddy out of her cot and gives Molly an adventure each night scaling up the ladder to the top bunk. She loves being able to touch the ceiling.
So we assembled the bunks in the room they were in to kick off. We only had one mattress so we got Molly into the swing of things on the bottom bunk. Teddy’s up top. This weekend the cot got taken down and a couple of new mattresses were purchased and the girls got set up in the office. Initial concerns about how Molly might cope with the ladder were misplaced when she clambered down in the dark three times on the first night to come and see us in the living room.
A snap of the wee mountaineers.
The winter has arrived. There was some serious hail in the city on Wednesday last week. I was heading to Christchurch for some training but our plane was struck by lightening when it landed to pick us up. I’m happy for them to give it a good once over when that happens rather than just jumping on board and taking our chances. Some free breakfast vouchers were great. A generous helping of scrabbled eggs and mojo coffee.
Winter has also meant some indoor time for us and the weans. We broke out an old mattress for the girls to jump on in the living room. We have some footage of the gymnasts leaping about to some happy tunes (can you identify them – answers on a postcard).
Note: Turn your PC sideways for this clip.
Mothers Day was on Sunday this week. I brought it forward a day to Saturday as we had our office party (we turned 1) on Saturday night. Beth headed out for the day and me and the girls made cards (and a mess). The excitement was too much for Maddy and while standing on a chair in her socks she lunged for a crayon, slipped, fell, smacked her chin on the table on the way past and bit deep into her bottom lip. A moment of silence then a Banshee wail. There was no shortage of blood mixed in with dribble and sobs. We got some ice on it and put on some ‘Cinderella’. Job done. Maddy has the makings of a TV junkie. Anyway to stop the slipping we went and got Maddy some slippers (can anyone explain that oxymoron please – slippers / slipping).
She has some flashing slippers. When she stomps (and she can stomp) they flash. It is quite distracting for her when she is doing a wee. Stomping and wee-ing is a skill.