I thought it would be nice to show you some of the local scenery in our bay; a few shots taken on a recent walk down to our beach; some random shots of the kids and some pics taken today of Molly taking part in a 'wheelathon' at the local school. This was a fundraising event for the kindergarten and Nick (who is on the committee) was MC for the day, hence the loudspeaker! Most of the kids decorated their bikes and even dressed up for the event (wish I had known!). There was plenty of cake and coffee and a sausage sizzle to keep everyone going. Weather was great and the kids had a blast - not sure yet how much was raised but it was well attended. Molly was riding a 'runner' bike, i.e. without stabilisers, which apparently is very good for mobility and balance, although she's yet to be convinced!
I could feel the warmth and smell the sea ... back there in my imagination for a moment! What fun, and mischief, the girls are going to have, I can see it in their grins, you'd better watch out. Lovely.
It does look so gorgeous...can't wait to see it for real and the kids too!
Can Madeleine set the timer for you yet?
Looks great - fantastic broccoli. Can't wait to get out there.
They gave Nick a loudspeaker?!!
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