It is a funday sunday. Betty's morning to snuggle back down in the scratcher. Get a couple of pages of her book under the belt or just enjoy the steaming mugs of Dilmah that are being ferried to her alongside some toasted homemade Light Granary Bread.
I discovered bread recipes in the back of our Gaia's Kitchen cookbook that I retrieved from our shelf with trepidation. The recipes are wonderful but are not Ansley Harriot's 'Meals in Minutes' so you gotta have your game face on. The 'light granary bread' is a nice and simple number that is easy on the knead so it is in. I'm a self confessed bread addict since staying with mon épouse in Abertville. I'm picking that it is where I developed my overly affectionate feelings for strong black coffee. France has some explaining to do when I have a self audit (so does Scotland i.e. Single Malts, hard orange cheese). I am going to tackle croissants today (or crow-sants as we say down here in our culture corner of the planet). Can't be too difficult flour+butter+bakers attitude.
Some random stuff.
David - I used the Vader You tube vid for one of my morning meetings. Showed the guys how important it is to take control of situations as even canteen staff can steal your mojo. You'll need a tray is being banded around the office.
Star Wars affectionardos of the 18+ age group (not because of the visuals but the dialogue is too advanced for Sagie boy etc) should take a gander at 'The Vader Chronicles' on You Tube. James Earl Jones has had his voice from other roles hijacked and dubbed over scenes from the initial trilogy. Grinworthy. Not a full blown belly laugh like the Eddie Izard lego flick.
Jimbo - After playing Belle and Sebastian's 'Boy with the Arab strap' off and on for the last 4 weeks I caught Molly singing the words this morning 'I am a lazy git she is as pure as the cold driven snow'. She has added that to her knowledge of the White Stripes lyrics. I am trying to get her to learn the words to 'Come together' while trying to scrub 'Dancing Queen'. Being a father is an endless task.
G - Nice Hat, photies. You inspired us too as we loaded up our SLR last weekend with the old style film and took a few snaps. Makes me nervous with file as I can't just delete it once I have pulled the trigger if I have had a Barry Crocker.
Maddie is adding words to her limited vocab everyday. Forgot how exciting it is. Told me she wanted some skippy cornflakes this morning. It is like the BINGO song except instead of B I N G O it is like Blah Blah Blah Cat Blah and BINGO was his name oh.
Watched the All Blacks last night play Oz in Hong Kong. Turned it off half time and went to bed as I was bored. I felt I had to share that. I am puzzled. Wasn't even excited that they were playing. Scotland next week though and I can't help but watch and be a bit torn.
Ok coffee time.
Be well you folk. 2010 seems sooooo long away.
Aww Nick so nice to "hear" your voice...wish I was there for the crow-sants (they can't say it properly in the states either)!
...Dancing Queen's a brilliant song!
Must rehearse a few songs to teach Molly ... maybe Flower of Scotland? I doubt though that it will be Flodden all over again on Saturday ... but I'll watch ... with Jamie.
Mamma Mia is our film club Christmas party show! Always enjoyable to read your column Nick.
The 'guest' writers always get the acclaim, as everyone pines for Helen on GingersOnTheRun too... oh well. What White Stripes is she singing? "I come from Wichita!" That was always my favourite. There's a great Scottish-sounding White Stripes song on their last album with pipes et al.
Watched Scotland-All Blacks. Like you the previous week I turned off at half-time, but for vastly different reasons. WHY WHY WHY do they make so many mistakes? Oh that's right, because they're SCARED!
That is the one. But she wears a prickly thistle. Li,li and li oh ...
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