Saturday, December 13, 2008

It was our third visit to the annual Foundation of the Blind Xmas party and like each year before, this was also a little different. Up until now, Madeleine has been pretty immobile, first year spent snuggled up inside mummy's tummy and last year, pretty much spent snuggled up on mummy's lap, this year however Madeleine was determined to make up for lost time. It was a race to see who could finish the chips and ice-cream first and then came the visit Molly had been waiting for...Father Christmas...Molly was still a little scared to receive her gift but once she got it in her hands there was no stopping her, or Madeleine for that matter!

1 comment:

Gudrun Johnston said...

Man they're quick at unwrapping presents! They look so cute in their party dresses!