Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cosmo is showered with gifts

Madeleine welcomes Cosmo (our new cat) into the Armstrong household, holding a traditional cat shower as a display of her affection. Cosmo was given to us by some lovely friends who have moved to Australia (alas!) for a couple of years. She has grown up with two children who are similar ages to Molly and Madeleine so Cosmo is no stranger (thankfully!) to toddler behaviours and habits. She is extremely patient and highly tolerant of the kids.

The kids are learning (with lots and lots of prompting and reminding from parents) how to handle and care for Cosmo. Just like my friends told us: she is very relaxed, totally undemanding, extremely gentle and affectionate. Madeleine is particularly smitten with Cosmo and even joins her for tea: having cat biscuits when no-one's looking! We did think that Molly might be allergic to cats after discovering a persistent rash on her body not long after we got Cosmo, but thankfully it has disappeared and she doesn't have any other symptoms so Cosmo is definitely here to stay with us. Watch this space for lots more photos of Cosmo and family.


Gudrun Johnston said...

Brilliant...I love how she makes sure that breakfast is on the way!

Gudrun Johnston said...

Or is that Molly in the background asking for breakfast?

Laughton and Patricia Johnston said...

Ah, those toe-watering moments! So glad Cosmo has been accepted, I've never seen a cat so cool about the attentions of a two year old.

Beth Armstrong said...

Yes, that's Molly asking for her breakfast in the background!

James McLauchlan Johnston said...

Nice to see another cat in the family.