Monday, March 30, 2009

Inspiring Speech

After coming home from dropping Molly at school today, I felt confused: a mixture of things but the main reason was a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right about school. I don't have a connection with either the governing of the school or Molly's new entrants' teacher (who I'm sure is a lovely person) but neither fills me with confidence. Anyway, I averted my thoughts to other things and took off to the park with Madeleine for the morning but these thoughts kept returning and, after picking Molly up from school and crossing paths with the teacher, then having a conversation with Molly's Vision Specialist Teacher, I came home needing to find some answers.

Some things are just meant to happen and whilst I was reading an email from another Vision Specialist Teacher, I found an interesting-looking link on her email and decided to see where it took me. I browsed awhile and then the title 'Creativity' caught my eye and I clicked on this video. Suddenly, I felt like I had found an answer, or at least, felt supported for the concerns that had been with me all day. I also felt a connection and a realisation that my daughter's education could be something else altogther.

Now I'm left wondering what I'm going to do about it.


Gudrun Johnston said...

How funny...I just found that video the other day was linked on a homeschooling parent's website.
So much to think about when it comes to school.....I TOTALLY understand your me!

Laughton and Patricia Johnston said...

I was riveted! Always thought creativity was the greatest gift of humans. Will email.

James McLauchlan Johnston said...

Very interesting, I understand your concerns. TED is a great place for thought-provoking presentations, I often browse around that site.